Reasons to Love Clay in Personal Care

Clays are naturally occurring, mineral-based materials with a wide range of applications, from construction to medicine.

They have a long history of use in medicinal and wellness practices, and recent research has further emphasized their health benefits and safety.

Clays offer detoxifying effects, antibacterial properties, and a mineral composition similar to that of the human body, making them valuable for skin and oral care.

Moreover, clays are abundant, cost-effective, and entirely natural, making them sustainable alternatives in various products.

clay types

Types of Clays

There are different types of clays, each with its unique composition and properties.Clays play a significant role in oral and personal care products, offering a range of unique properties and potential benefits. Let's explore the different types of clays used in these applications, their intended purposes, and the associated advantages and disadvantages.

Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay is a versatile clay that finds its primary purpose in oral care. It is known for its remarkable detoxifying and remineralizing properties. Its negative charge allows it to attract and bind to toxins, making it an effective choice for oral detoxification.

Additionally, Bentonite clay contains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can strengthen tooth enamel and promote overall oral health. However, some individuals may find its gritty texture and natural taste less appealing when used in toothpaste.

Related: Benefits and Usage of Bentonite Clay for Dental Care and Overall Health

Kaolin Clay

Kaolin Clay, on the other hand, is commonly employed in personal care products, particularly in skincare; Heal Yes! entrusts it in both our skincare and makeup formulas, and for good reason:

This clay is gentle and well-tolerated, making it a suitable option for individuals with sensitive skin. Its excellent oil-absorbing properties are advantageous for skincare products, helping control excess oil and maintain a balanced complexion.

Kaolin clay is less commonly used in oral care products, primarily due to its lower absorption capabilities.

French Green Clay

French Green Clay is renowned for its oil-absorbing and purifying properties, making it a valuable addition to skincare products. It effectively controls excess oil on the skin and aids in detoxifying and improving skin texture.

However, it is not a typical choice for oral care products, and overuse in skincare may lead to skin dryness, so moderation is necessary.

Rhassoul Clay (Moroccan Clay)

Rhassoul Clay, also known as Moroccan clay, serves a dual purpose in skincare and hair care. This clay is valued for its gentle exfoliating properties, which help remove dead skin cells and impurities, making it a favorable option for skincare.

Additionally, it is used in hair masks and cleansers to detoxify and nourish the hair.

Like French Green Clay, Rhassoul Clay is not commonly used in oral care products, and some individuals may find its texture less appealing in skincare or hair care products despite its purported benefits.

In a nutshell, various types of clays cater to different needs in oral and personal care. Bentonite Clay is favored for oral care due to its detoxification and remineralization properties, while Kaolin Clay is a gentle choice for sensitive skin in personal care. French Green Clay excels in skincare for controlling oil and purifying the skin, while Rhassoul Clay serves dual purposes in skincare and hair care, providing exfoliation and detoxification benefits. When considering products containing these clays, it's essential to weigh their specific advantages and potential drawbacks.

Holistic Approach

Clays offer a versatile range of applications in personal care and wellness. This section will discuss how to incorporate clays into a holistic wellness routine, combining their health benefits with other natural practices.

Skincare Regimen

Integrating clays into your skincare routine can be as simple as using a clay mask once or twice a week. You can choose the type of clay that suits your skin type and concerns. Combine this with other natural practices like staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and protecting your skin from excessive sun exposure for comprehensive skincare.

Oral Care

Clay-based toothpaste, toothpowder, or whitening gel pods can be part of your daily oral care routine. The detoxifying and remineralizing properties of bentonite clay can contribute to strong teeth and gum health. Regular oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups should be maintained alongside clay-based products.

Dietary Supplements

While clays are more commonly used topically, certain types of edible clays, like calcium bentonite, can be included as dietary supplements. Always consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your diet to ensure it aligns with your specific health needs.

Gastrointestinal Health

For digestive health, consider using clay supplements, such as liquid bentonite clay or capsules, under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner. Additionally, maintain a balanced diet rich in fiber, probiotics, and digestive enzymes for optimal gut health.

Mind-Body Practices

To achieve a holistic wellness approach, complement the use of clays with mind-body practices that can enhance your overall well-being by reducing stress and promoting mental and emotional health. Consider clay for a bath soak, for instance!

A holistic wellness routine, which includes clay-based products alongside other natural practices, can lead to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. 

Clay and Detoxification

Clays detoxify the body through a unique chemistry that allows them to attract and bind to positively charged toxins, removing them from the body. Heavy metals and bacteria are two significant toxins of concern.

Clays can effectively remove heavy metals, such as lead and cadmium, from the body, reducing the risk of toxic exposure. They also have antibacterial properties, making them useful in preventing bacterial infections.

Health Benefits of Clays

Clays, with their versatile properties, offer a range of health benefits beyond their well-known detoxification effects. They have shown promise in supporting gastrointestinal health, managing various digestive issues, and promoting overall well-being. Ongoing research continues to uncover their potential advantages in these areas.

Antidiarrheal Properties

Clays, particularly kaolin and bentonite clay, have been traditionally used to manage diarrhea. Their ability to bind to harmful substances and toxins in the gastrointestinal tract can help alleviate symptoms of diarrhea. This property can be especially valuable in both mild cases of diarrhea and more severe gastrointestinal issues.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Clays possess anti-inflammatory properties that can be beneficial for individuals with inflammatory bowel conditions, such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. By reducing inflammation in the gut lining, clays may offer relief from discomfort and support the healing process.

Digestive Health Support

Clays can promote overall digestive health by aiding in nutrient absorption. By enhancing the absorption of essential minerals, they can ensure that the body receives the necessary nutrients for proper functioning. This can be particularly advantageous for individuals with nutrient absorption issues.

Detoxification of the Gut

Beyond their role in detoxifying the body, clays can specifically target the gastrointestinal system. They work by binding to harmful pathogens, bacteria, and toxins present in the digestive tract. This detoxification process can help maintain a healthier gut environment.

Gut Microbiota Balance

Emerging research suggests that clays may influence the balance of the gut microbiota. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for overall well-being, and clays may play a role in supporting a diverse and balanced community of beneficial microorganisms.

Gastrointestinal Infection Prevention

Clays have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, making them effective in preventing and managing gastrointestinal infections. They can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogens in the gut, reducing the risk of infections.

Gastrointestinal Ulcer Management

Some clays have been explored for their potential in managing gastrointestinal ulcers. Their soothing and protective properties may help alleviate discomfort associated with ulcers and support the healing process.

Support for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Clays' ability to regulate bowel movements and reduce inflammation makes them a potential complementary approach for managing the symptoms of IBS, such as abdominal pain and irregular bowel habits.

Nutrient Utilization Enhancement

Clays can improve the utilization of nutrients, ensuring that the body can effectively absorb vitamins and minerals from the food consumed. This is especially important for individuals with malabsorption issues.

Weight Management

Clays, when ingested under proper guidance, can contribute to weight management by promoting feelings of fullness and reducing overeating. This can be part of a holistic approach to maintaining a healthy weight.

While clays show promise in these health areas, individual responses may vary. Consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable before incorporating clay-based products or supplements into your wellness routine, particularly when addressing specific health conditions. Ongoing research will likely reveal even more potential benefits of clays for gastrointestinal and overall health.

The Environmental Sustainability of Clays

Clays not only offer numerous health benefits but also have a compelling environmental story. In this section, we will explore the sustainability of clays and their role in reducing the ecological footprint.

Abundance and Renewability

Clays are abundant in nature, making them a readily available and sustainable resource. They are formed over millions of years through natural geological processes and can be sourced without causing depletion. Their renewability is a key factor in their sustainability.

Low Energy Production

The extraction and processing of clays typically require low energy inputs compared to many synthetic alternatives. This low energy requirement contributes to their eco-friendliness, as it reduces the carbon footprint associated with their production.


Clays are naturally occurring minerals and are biodegradable. When they are used in personal care and skincare products, they pose minimal environmental impact. Unlike some synthetic materials that persist in the environment, clays break down naturally over time.

Reduced Chemical Usage

The use of clays in various applications can often reduce the need for harsh chemicals and synthetic additives. In skincare and personal care, clays can replace synthetic thickeners, stabilizers, and texturizers, thereby reducing the environmental impact of chemical production and disposal.

Sustainable Packaging

Products that incorporate clays in their formulations can also emphasize eco-friendly packaging. Sustainable packaging choices, such as recyclable materials and reduced plastic usage, can complement the eco-conscious nature of clay-based products. Just remember to choose clays packaged without metal--not even metal seals or lids, as metal can negate the efficacy of clay.

Agricultural Benefits

Beyond personal care and wellness, some clays, like bentonite, are used in agriculture to improve soil quality and water retention. This application can contribute to sustainable farming practices and crop production.

Ethical Sourcing

To further enhance the sustainability of clay products, businesses can prioritize ethical sourcing practices, ensuring that clays are obtained from environmentally responsible sources and that fair labor practices are observed.

The sustainability of clays aligns with the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly and natural products. Their abundance, low energy requirements, and biodegradability make them a valuable choice for environmentally conscious consumers who seek products that not only benefit their health but also minimize their ecological impact.

Clay and Your Safety

The safety of clays is a topic of discussion, particularly in the context of California's Proposition 65 regulations. Clays may contain trace amounts of metals, but these quantities are typically in parts per million and do not pose health risks due to their low concentrations and lack of bioavailability. It is essential to understand that clays are used for their ability to attract and remove harmful substances from the body.

Incorporating clays into oral care products is a practical way to harness their benefits. Clays can assist in various oral health issues, such as gingivitis, periodontal disease, and halitosis. Products like toothpaste, toothpowder, and whitening gel pods containing clays offer a holistic approach to oral care, promoting strong teeth and gum health. Clays, in combination with other natural ingredients, provide a safe and effective alternative to traditional oral care products.

In conclusion, clays are natural, versatile substances with a broad range of health benefits. They offer detoxification, antibacterial properties, and potential advantages for gastrointestinal health. While safety concerns exist, the use of clays is supported by scientific research, and they are a valuable addition to various health and wellness products, particularly in oral care.

Related: Relax and Detox with Clay Baths